Hello all,
This week, we have a special appeal to make to our readers.
A lot of work goes into producing an article right from the stage of writing it to the stage of editing it and bringing it up to the SMU! quality guidelines. And all we ask of you is to show some form of reception to the articles. How about a comment on the article telling us how you felt after reading it or how you thought it could’ve been better? We would like to know how well you receive our articles. So, don’t forget to comment on our articles from now on. We would greatly appreciate it!
This week’s article is about creativity in education! It is titled “Foster My Creativity!” and is pretty short. Check it out homies!
And this week’s poll question is:-
How useful are reservation quotas in educational institutions? (Scroll down to vote)
Thanks for reading; and don’t forget to comment!
PS – Also invite your friends to join you in reading our articles!